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Mogu li se pretplatiti na časopis?Pretplata je sada dostupna na ovim jezicima i u ovim regijama: Kanada – samo francuski Europa – francuski, španjolske, njemačke, grčke, hrvatske i slovenske inačice Pretplatite se sada! Ako se još ne nudi u vašoj regiji, pretplatite se na naš bilten i doznajte čim pretplata postane dostupna.
Kada će se sljedeći časopis naći na novinskim kioscima?Časopis se izdaje tromjesečno. Predviđeno je da će izaći početkom ožujka, početkom lipnja, krajem kolovoza i krajem studenog.
Gdje mogu pronaći časopis?Časopis je trenutačno dostupan u sljedećim zemljama: Kanada (samo Quebec i New Brunswick), Austrija, Francuska, Belgija, Švicarska, Luksemburg, Njemačka, Španjolska, Grčka, Hrvatska, Slovenija. Ovdje možete vidjeti popis trgovina:
Kako se mogu prijaviti na natjecanje u crtanju?Pošaljite nam sliku svog crteža zajedno s imenom i dobi na:
Mogu li kupiti prethodna izdanja časopisa?U Kanadi možete nabaviti prethodna izdanja na našem mrežnom mjestu. Kupi sada! Nažalost, prethodna izdanja trenutačno nisu dostupna na drugim mjestima.
My subscription has expired. How do I renew it?To renew your subscription, you need to purchase a new subscription via our website, by clicking on this link.
How do I change my shipping address?To report a change of address for your magazine subscription, please contact us by e-mail:
I haven't received my magazine. What should I do?Before contacting us, please check on your customer portal that your subscription is still valid. A subscription entitles you to 4 issues per year. Please note that it may take about 3 months before you receive your first issue. If, however, you believe there has been an error, please contact our customer service department:
How many magazines will I receive?A one-year subscription includes 4 issues per year. Please note that special issues are not included in your subscription.
Where can the I buy your books?The novels are only available in French for the moment, in Canada, France, Belgium and Switzerland. Subscribe to our newsletter to be informed as soon as they are available in another language.
Is it possible to buy on your website?We are sorry, it is not possible to order on our website at the moment. Our products are available in most toy shops and bookshops. Many of them sell online. You can find a list of shops here:
I have a defective product.Please fill in the contact form below with all your details and we will send you a new product.
I am looking for a particular product.Unfortunately we do not know the inventory of the shops. We invite you to consult our shop locator to find a shop near you, and to contact them directly.
I would like to distribute your products.Please fill in the contact form below and we will contact you.
I am an influencer and would like to collaborate with you.Please fill out the contact form below with your information and we will contact you if we are interested. Please note that only successful applicants will be contacted.
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