1. Make 4 pom-poms by following these steps.
A. Cut a 30 cm length of yarn and insert it into the centre of the fork, then hold it with your fingers.
B. Then wrap your yarn around the fork a few times.
C. Then use the 30 cm length of thread to make a knot and use it to attach your pom-pom.
D. Use the scissors to cut through all the loops of yarn.
Psst! The longer the prongs of the fork, the bigger your pom-pom will be!
2. To tie 2 pom-poms together, pass one of the threads of the top pom-pom through the centre of the other pom-pom, then tie a double knot. Cut the tail threads off the top pom-pom.
3. Cut out the stencil for the cone - you can find it on page 20. Then trace the cone in the patterned card stock of your choice. Cut out 2 cones.
4. Form the cone shapes, then secure them using the glue stick.
5. Next, thread the tail threads of your pom-poms through the bottom of the cone. Thread a bead, then tie a knot under it to hold the pom-poms in place.
6. Next thread your hemp thread through the centre of the top pom-pom and then thread some beads. Then make 2 slip knots to form your adjustable necklace, following the 4 steps below.

Everyone loves ice cream in hot weather. Why not wear some around your neck, to feel a bit cooler? You can also use these pretty cones as decorations in your room or as charms on your school bag.

• 4 different coloured yarns
• Patterned card stock
• 2 hemp or cotton cords,
80 cm each
• Glue stick
• Different coloured beads
• Fork
• Scissors
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“If you haven’t got any patterned card stock, you could use white card and use paint or felt tip pens to colour
it as you wish! ”